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dimarts, 1 de febrer del 2011

NEW OBJECT 2011 nº16


PRODUCTO; Mobiliario domestico - Contract



desing  Jesus Gasca

STUA is delighted to unveil LACLASICA chair, the newest design of STUA's founder, Jesús Gasca.
LACLASICA is a wooden chair that combines all the traditional principles of classical chairs,
and translates them into a pure & contemporary design.
LACLASICA is curvy like our human body.
LACLASICA mimics the shape of the body and conveys its sensuality and cosiness.
It seems LACLASICA was always around; but it is a brand new and fresh design.
Possibly a sign a timelessness.
The seat and back fuse with the legs to create a fluid form.
Beneath the seat, an aesthetic white moulded injected piece strengthens the structure. 
A wooden chair is the ultimate design, using the noble and natural material provided by Mother Nature. And when combined with modern technology, in a sensual and fluid design, like the LACLASICA chair, it becomes an art piece and a beautiful chair.
LACLASICA is made of solid & molded oak, and polypropylene.
LACLASICA is a stackable chair.


RATING ;  1-5

Ergonomy 4  Eco 4 Innovation materials 3   Visual Sensations 5


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